
Senior Product Designer, Content XP


2024 – Present

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Product Designer, Students (Kamernet & PBSA)


2023 – 2024

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Founding Product Designer


2022 – 2023

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Product Designer, Discovery


2021 – 2022

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Founding Product Designer

Flouci (by Kaoun)

2018 – 2021

Tunis, Tunisia

User Experience Designer


2017 – 2018

San Francisco, CA



Product thinking, user experience, product design, roadmapping, user research, usability testing, interaction/visual/brand/ and motion design


Figma, Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, XD, Principle, Photoshop, After Effects, Rive App
SPSS Statistics, MixPanel, UserTesting, Google Optimize, Analytics, Hotjar, Dovetail, Jira, Confluence


University of Wisconsin

Consumer Behavior & Research

Tunis Business School

Marketing major, Information Technology minor

My story

I am a product designer with 7+ years of experience (mostly in FinTechs), with a background in Research & Consumer Behavior.

I kept noticing the different methods human beings built things based on human behavior, whether I was in a park looking at the way playgrounds were designed, or at a restaurant looking at different chairs and trying to understand the dilemma of convenience vs. efficiency in design. Problem-solving is what instigated my interest in business, design, and psychology in the years to come.

How I got here

Let's rewind a bit

May 1996

Interest in human interactions with tools and products started for me at the age of 10.

I used to obsess about “things being in place”; what that meant to me was everything being accessible, usable, and enjoyable.

Me NOT at the age of 10

December 2016
Relocated to 🇺🇸
I got accepted into the biggest social entrepreneurship competition to get €1M in seed funding
March 2017
I was pursuing a bachelor of science in marketing and information technology (with a focus on consumer behavior). I was doing an exchange year at the University of Wisconsin and started out as a Designer in Flowfinitee (formerly Veamly), and started my love for the user experience profession after my first 3 weeks.

This was my first experience as a designer and I was given really big responsibilities. I was recruited for this job because of a social startup competition I participated in as a designer in San Francisco. I started as a part-time employee in 2017 and  came back to work full-time.

December 2017
I moved to San Francisco for a few months and learned about Design-led organizations and the creative process, more than ever.

I met with design leaders in the coworking space where our company offices were. I was attending a few design talks from people from Eventbrite, Evensi, Airbnb, Facebook. Being in Silicon Valley was very eye-opening for me at a young age to kickstart my career.

June 2018
Relocated to 🇹🇳
I was the founding designer at the first neobank in Tunisia

As I was coming back, a few friends came back from their universities in the US wanted to solve the financial inclusion problem in our home country (long story short; 64% are underbanked). We created a neo-banking app and it reached 100k users and now is at a really good brand and product maturity. I was their only designer for 3 years and managed some juniors/ part-timers along the way.

October 2019
I helped create the first version of the KYC in Tunisia with research and involvment from the central bank.

After spending time researching the user personas, the market fit, and the I got to create the first version of the digital bank account creation process.

First iteration of the animation to scan the Tunisian ID

November 2020
We launched the first version of the fully digital bank account creation experience with no third-party verification services, all using first-to-market technology.

The launch of the superapp features (scheduled transfers, no-card withdrawals, etc)

July 2021
Relocated to 🇳🇱
I worked at bunq in Amsterdam and was part of the team when we reached unicorn status 🦄.

I was part of the discovery team, a team of researchers, data anlysts, and  created research-heavy experiences such as: Universal app search,  User onboarding, Joint account experience

During this adventure, the company became a unicorn and design became a very speedy process, to the point of dilution. The people still made a great impression on me, because of their talent level and devotion.

I was on the discovery team, this meant that I design to understand users, I try to find insights to increase app stickiness and decrease usability issues (lostness, churn, etc). I learned a lot from designing for research. I worked on problems that impacted more than 1 Million users; which was really eye-opening.

November 2022
As the founding designer, I helped create BRXS and contributed to generating €1M in revenue in less than a year.

I got recruited into this startup as employee #5. I got to prove my skills of designing a full product 0-1, from concept to a market-proven solution. This experience was really a great time, since I had just had started enjoying travelling and getting settled in the Netherlands.

I was approached with a big opportunity to join two ex-Uber founders and brilliant minds to launch the first platform in Europe for Real estate investing accessible for everyone.

The journey with the company had a bittersweet end after announcing that due to the macroeconomic situation, I had to move onto the next opportunity.

Apr 2023
I was part of HousingAnywhere – the largest mid-to-long-term rental booking platform in Europe in order to revolutionalize the way people relocate between cities. 

I am really eager to learn from an other industry since most of my work has been in Fintech. I am currently leading initiatives for the student accommodations segments and the rebrand/redesign of our platform.

Mar 2024
I joined Studocu to lead the design of the content experience for millions of daily users.

I was also excited about the opportunity to grow and make a larger impact through design. What's better than being part of one of the top 1000 visited websites worldwide?

This was also my first senior role, so I felt like I had grown after 7 years of designing in several organizations.

Creating new experiences, traveling every now and then
  • Enjoying life in Amsterdam, biking from one café to another
  • Empowering students to learn from each other one document at a time at Studocu
  • Playing basketball every other day
  • Listening to this Spotify playlist

My design philosophy

Product-market fit driven

What drives the design is determining the users that will most likely benefit from your product.

User ascension in journeys

Users have to get educated through their journeys and feel that product experiences are rewarding.

Design like a scientist

We mix qualitative and quantitative methods to push the correct pixels and design the right interactions.